Career satisfaction: it's not greater capacity, it's finding fit!

Career fit (leaders, culture, environment, people), not capacity (experience, skills, knowledge), is the hidden factor that leads to professional career fulfillment.

Professional worth has long been defined by titles, promotions, and salary however, research
demonstrates that these "success markers" don't keep you engaged, motivated, or satisfied at work. The presentation will dispel myths and demonstrate how career fit is essential for long-term career success and well-being. Imagine waking up motivated to contribute to a role at work that recognizes you and makes you stronger – the presentation will set you on this path.


Antoine Carrière

Antoine is known for his transformative discussions that fosters personal growth and charts the path to professional success, happiness and peace of mind. His unique talents and broad experience allow him to challenge conventional thinking and stimulate progress. Emotion-based discussions, talent-based coaching, and positive psychology underpin Antoine's approach. He is a Love+Work Leader, CliftonStrengths coach, and Builder Profile coach.

Colleen Nobert

Colleen Nobert; MsEd Education Leadership, GCDF, SCDA, FCD, is an expert in helping clients find a new direction so that they find Career Fit 4 Life. She is the Director of the Career Branch at the Strength Performance Center and a Career Coach with 23 years of experience in helping people explore, understand and implement career plans that lead to finding success and fulfillment.

Second Speaker: Kristy Bach
Title: Disrupt Your Status Quo: Unleash Your Strengths, Hack Your Skills

Unleashing Your Strengths and discover the power within you! Through a cutting-edge behavior assessment, delve deep into your unique strengths and unlock the potential that sets you apart. Uncover hidden talents, understand your natural inclinations, and gain insights into how you can leverage these strengths to thrive in your professional journey.

Hacking Your Skills: Embrace the process of hacking your current skills set and learn
how to strategically upskill to meet the demands of your desired role. We will explore innovative approaches to acquire new competencies and adapt to the evolving landscape of your career trajectory.
Join us in this bold discussion where we defy the ordinary, disrupt norms, and empower you to become the architect of your own success. "Disrupt Your Status Quo" - because the extraordinary starts where the ordinary ends!